ADD/ADHD Counseling
Many people dealing with ADD / ADHD also have depression or anxiety. Though these disorders seem unrelated, every aspect of your life is important in maintaining your mental health. A person may be aware of their attention problems from ADD, and this may make them depressed. On the other hand, a depressed person may also suffer from decreased concentration. Tackling one mental health issue can give you the tools you need to tackle them all.
There are several options to get ADD and ADHD under control. Clients may benefit from counseling where they can discuss their issues in a private, safe environment. Therapy can also teach the client effective strategies for dealing with attention-deficit symptoms such as focusing techniques and lifestyle changes. The therapist can also prescribe stimulants that help improve concentration and impulse control. Finally, the therapist can evaluate any other mental health problems the client might be experiencing and recommend strategies to move forward.
If you or someone you know is displaying ADD symptoms such as declining grades at school, flagging work performance, trouble recalling information, or misplacing items, it is important to seek help. For ADD counseling in the San Clemente area, give the office of Rick McCarthy MFT a call.